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Self Paced Course: 7 Days to a Better Partnership with Your Horse
Introduction Video
Students of Harmony Horsemanship
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Day 1: Let’s Get Calm and Connected on the Ground
Square Exercise
S Pattern
Day 2: Accomplish the Simplest and Most Connected Lunging Experience
Spiral Exercise
Fusion Halter
Day 3: Essential Ground skills for Trust, Relaxation, and Respect
Back Up
Forehand Turn
Picking Up Hooves
Lowering Head
Day 4: Introduction to Liberty
Halter On and Off
Hand Touch & "YES" Word
Follow Me
Ground Tie & Rub Both Sides
Day 5: Find Relaxation in Riding
Ready to Ride
Mounting & Dismounting
Riding Square Exercise
Day 6: Introduction to Riding in Harmony - Using your Body to be an Effective Communicator
Simple Transitions
Day 7: Introduction to Building Confidence
Just Trust Me Exercise with a Stuffed Toy
Exercises with Poles
Just Trust Me Exercise with a Tarp
Harmony Horsemanship Student Levels
About the Levels
Student Level PDF Downloads
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What's Next? The best next step, jump into Become the Centre of Your Horse's Universe
The 2nd best Next Step: Harmony Horsemanship 101
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